It's Elementary, My Dear!

Lauren and Melissa created Elementary my Dear in order to showcase their work, provide resources for students and educators, and create classroom activities that feature technology. We hope you enjoy!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Week 7, post 2

"I never thought I could love any one person as much as I love him. The selfish feelings are gone. I live for him, to see him smile, hear him laugh. I would die for him, and I would give him the world if I could. My heart breaks when he cries, and I wish I could keep him safe in my arms forever. His daddy is good to him, and to me. I have to admit I’ve got it good. I look at my boys and I know, I am home."
The above excerpt is from the assignment titled, "home". This was by far one of my favorite assignments. I could be reflective without having to think about schoolwork for once! On top of that, I got to write about my absolute favorite topic, my son. Dr. B is out of town for now, but I'll get the link up and working as soon as I hear back from him. For now, you can all just imagine what the rest is like! Link coming soon...


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