Week 7, post 2
"I never thought I could love any one person as much as I love him. The selfish feelings are gone. I live for him, to see him smile, hear him laugh. I would die for him, and I would give him the world if I could. My heart breaks when he cries, and I wish I could keep him safe in my arms forever. His daddy is good to him, and to me. I have to admit I’ve got it good. I look at my boys and I know, I am home."
The above excerpt is from the assignment titled, "home". This was by far one of my favorite assignments. I could be reflective without having to think about schoolwork for once! On top of that, I got to write about my absolute favorite topic, my son. Dr. B is out of town for now, but I'll get the link up and working as soon as I hear back from him. For now, you can all just imagine what the rest is like! Link coming soon...
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