Week 6, Post 3
Ok, I know that this is really really late, but I promise there is a reason! Remember that eye infection I told y'all about last time? Well, it got worse...way worse. My eye swelled shut! It looked like I got into a barfight! It's better now, but I'm so far behind it's not even funny. So, hopefully in the next two days I'll be all caught up with my blog. I'd just like to thank everyone in advance for their patience and I hope that all is well!
Thanks for your kind words. I know that I am most definitely freaking out right about now about how many comments I have, whether my classroom activity is right, and deadlines for this class as well as my other classes this semester. I really enjoyed reading your responses, and hopefully I got them up in time for you to make a couple of last minute comments on them! Thanks again-
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