It's Elementary, My Dear!

Lauren and Melissa created Elementary my Dear in order to showcase their work, provide resources for students and educators, and create classroom activities that feature technology. We hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Melissa's Classroom Activity

An interesting idea for a classroom activity would be to do a restaurant proposal. Kids love going out to eat with their families, so the first step could be to have them type out a description of their favorite restaurant, detailing the reasons why they like it, the decorations, the atmosphere, etc. After that, they would break off into "management teams" to come up with a restaurant of their own. They would write out a proposal to potential investors detailing why they should invest their time and money into the restaurant. The kids would be responsible for naming their restaurant, designing the business cards, and creating flyers in Microsoft Publisher. Once that was done, they would use MS Word to create a menu. Wrapping up the project, each group would present their restaurant as a powerpoint to potential investors (their classmates). Each "investor" would then write up a short essay detailing the positive and negative aspects of each, and whether they would invest and why or why not. Each group would submit one CD with the work of all members, receiving an individual grade as well as a group grade.


At 2/20/2006 2:30 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Your comments are helpful, and I am extremely aware of the necessity for grammatical correctness in posting and communication. I was rather disheartened, however, when I noticed that your comments were the exact same for Lauren. I guess I was hoping for some guidance with my classroom activity. I realize the demand on teachers (my mom teaches in Collier County) and I hope that our interactions will be more personal as our blog experiment continues.

At 2/20/2006 2:35 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Thanks for you comments. I sometimes forget that there are still people out there who have never used powerpoint! I will take your ideas into consideration as I continue to revise me idea. Who knows, maybe by the end of this my activity can be used in a real classroom! Thanks again!


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